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Going Back to Work

Going back to work or school soon? You'll want to start thinking about how you will feed your baby. You may express breast milk so that others can feed your baby. Or maybe you will visit your baby at their child care provider during your lunch break and breastfeed. Planning ahead can make the transition easier.

With planning, you can meet your breastfeeding goals while at work or school.

Before you head back, talk to your employer or school about your needs. Is there a space for you to express milk? How can you adjust your break times to help with pumping? You'll want to get answers to these questions ahead of time. That way, your first day back goes more smoothly.

You should also talk with your baby's caregiver about why breastfeeding is important to you and how they can support you. You can also help your baby practice taking breast milk in a bottle. With a little advanced planning, you've got this!

Learn how to transition back to work or school easily.

Start planning!

You don’t need any fancy equipment, but some things can make breastfeeding easier.

Know your rights to breastfeed in public and at work.

Whether you’re just starting out or having challenges, WIC is there for you at every step.

Get tips for talking with your employer about pumping at work

What is combination feeding, how to use it, and how to keep making milk.

Planning to be apart from baby? Find tips for feeding baby with expressed milk.

Here are options for finding a breast pump at low cost.

It may take practice, but soon you’ll be a pro at pumping and hand expression.

To make being away from your baby easier, learn how to store and thaw breast milk—safely.

Real moms share their experience returning to work and school.

Planning ahead may make the transition to work or school easier. Take this quiz to gather tips to feel prepared and confident to meet your breastfeeding goals when you return to school or work.

Learn about changes to the WIC food packages!