Finding a Breast Pump
Here are options for finding a breast pump at a low cost.
Looking to get a breast pump? There are a variety of ways to find a pump at low cost, like through your private insurance or Medicaid, your local hospital, and some WIC clinics. Some moms get to keep their pumps forever, and some moms rent their pumps while they are breastfeeding. Talk to your WIC clinic about which option is best for you.
If You Have Private Health Insurance
Every plan is different, and every plan has different rules. The best way to find out what's covered for you is to call your insurance provider before you have your baby. You can ask about getting a breast pump and find out if you're eligible for other breastfeeding benefits, like counseling and support.
When you call your insurer, ask for answers to these questions:
- Does my plan cover a rental pump or one I can keep?
- Does my plan cover a manual pump or electric pump?
- If I'm renting, how long do I get to keep it?
- When will I get my pump: before or after I have my baby?
- Will you send me the pump, or do I need to buy it and get reimbursed?
- Do I need a prescription or pre-authorization from my doctor?
- Will my plan take into consideration my doctor's recommendation about what type of pump will work best for me?
- Does my plan cover any other breastfeeding benefits, such as breast pump supplies or counseling and support?
- Can you send me a list of in-network providers who can offer me lactation support?

If You Have Medicaid
You may be able to get or rent a breast pump, but every state's Medicaid program is different. You'll want to check with your Medicaid provider to find out what's covered for you before your baby arrives. When you call, ask the questions listed above.
If You Can't Get a Breast Pump Through Medicaid or You Don't Have Insurance
If you can't get a breast pump through Medicaid or you don't have insurance, you may be able to get or rent a pump through WIC. Reach out to your WIC clinic to find out if you're eligible and what other services may be available to you.