Components of a Care Plan
Common components of a care plan include:
- Identify nutrition risk(s), strengths, needs and/or concerns
- Design appropriate nutrition education and breastfeeding promotion and support that address needs and concerns
- Tailor the food package to address nutrition needs
- Make appropriate referrals
- Follow up to monitor progress
It is important to begin by reviewing any nutrition and breastfeeding assessment (including breastfeeding history) and/or counseling notes. The CPA may begin by checking on mom’s goals and the baby’s well-being. A care plan may include some breastfeeding tips such as:
- Encourage exclusive breastfeeding on demand
- Educate about signs that breastfeeding is going well
- Tips on maintaining milk production
- Educate about following baby’s hunger cues to feed; wake baby, if necessary
- Provide strategies to reduce breast swelling
This information is a supplemental and complimentary piece of the Breastfeeding Reassurance Tips, a component of the WIC Breastfeeding Check-In tool. Find additional related resources (on both this site and the WIC Works Resource System) below.
Related Resources
About the Reassurance Tips
When to Refer to a Healthcare Provider
Tailoring Calculator
Tailoring Calculator Instructions
About the Tailoring Calculator
Age-Specific Desired Behaviors
WIC Infant Nutrition and Feeding Guide
WIC Infant Foods Calculator
Infant Developmental Skills/Hunger & Satiety Cues
Infant Feeding: Tips for Food Safety