How Much Milk Your Baby Needs
See how small a newborn's tummy is and learn how to tell if your baby is getting enough milk.
It doesn't take much to fill up your baby. At birth, your baby's tummy is no bigger than a toy marble (about 1 to 2 teaspoons). By day 10, your baby's stomach grows to the size of a ping-pong ball (about 2 ounces).
Reach out to your local WIC clinic with any questions about how much milk your baby needs.
Am I Making Enough Milk?
You may wonder if you are making enough milk for your baby. The answer is probably yes! As you feed your baby, your body adjusts to make the right amount.
Putting your baby to your breast early and often will help your body keep up with your baby's growing tummy. In the beginning, you will probably be feeding your baby 8-12 times or more every 24 hours.
As your baby grows, he or she may nurse less frequently and drink more in a single feeding. Your milk supply will adapt. During a growth spurt, your baby might want to nurse more often or for longer.

Is My Baby Getting Enough Milk?
The best way to tell if your baby is getting enough milk is to keep track of wet and dirty diapers. As your milk changes, your baby's poops will too. At first, poops will be black and tarry. Then they'll be greenish to yellowish. Then they will become yellow, loose, and seedy. Around 10-15 days after delivery, your baby may poop after every feeding or less often.
You may want to keep a log of your baby's diapers in a notebook or use a smartphone app. The chart to the right shows the smallest number of wet and dirty diapers your baby should have in the first week.
Here are other signs that your baby is getting enough milk:
- You can hear or see your baby swallowing.
- Your baby seems happy after feedings, with relaxed hands and feet.
- Your baby is growing and gaining weight. Your health care provider or WIC clinic can check your baby's weight gain.
What If I Have Twins, Triplets, or Quadruplets?
Even if you have twins, triplets, or quadruplets, you will still make enough milk for your babies. Breastfeeding your babies early and often after their birth will help.