About the Reassurance Tips
Breastfeeding Reassurance Tips are designed as a quick reference to address common breastfeeding concerns and to assist the CPA in developing a care plan.
Each of the main topics (Mom, Baby, Position, Latch, Returning to Work/School, and Weaning) contain subtopics with talking points that provide a conversation starting point with participants. The split screen allows the CPA to view all Reassurance Tips on the left and select the most relevant tips for the dyad based on mom’s topics of concern to the Breastfeeding Check-In Summary on the right.
The Breastfeeding Check-In Summary is designed to facilitate communication and continuity of care, and can be printed and shared with other WIC staff or saved to the participant’s file. The summary page will contain:
- The reassurance tips selected and discussed with mom
- Any additional comments added in the free text box
- Results from the Tailoring Calculator
- Any changes made to an infant’s food package after discussion with mom (tailoring the current food package or changing the food package) (if applicable)

Related Resources
About the Tailoring Calculator
Tailoring Calculator Instructions
When to Refer to a Healthcare Provider
Components of a Care Plan
Age-Specific Desired Behaviors
WIC Infant Nutrition and Feeding Guide
WIC Infant Foods Calculator
Infant Feeding: Tips for Food Safety